
To provide those Mount Laurel residents between the ages of 5-14 the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of football and cheer while fostering sportsmanship, teamwork and education
Mount Laurel Youth Football Association Inc and Cheer provides a high-quality experience in which every athlete:
Has fun playing the game,
Feels like an important part of the team,
Learns life lessons that have value beyond the playing field, Learns the skills, tactics and strategies of the game and improves as a player.
Mount Laurel Youth Football Association Inc and Cheer provides for the continuation of the American tradition of football as a foundation for upstanding citizens.
Offered Programs
The primary objective of the Football program is to enable players to learn the game in a fun and stimulating and competitive environment. The focus is on developing their skills to help them be the best players they can be, while maintaining a healthy approach to competitive football.
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Cheerleading is a huge part of sporting events at all levels of play. When athletes need encouragement and fans need entertainment, having cheerleaders on hand can take your sports experience to another level! Join our recreational cheer team today!
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