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Mount Laurel Youth Football Association

Mount Laurel Youth Football Association



Statement of Purpose: To operate non-profit youth football and cheerleading teams for participation in youth league in Mount Laurel, New Jersey.

      I.        Board of Trustees for the Mount Laurel Youth Football Association, Inc. (hereinafter MLYFA) shall be composed of an Executive Committee, Board Officers, and At-Large Board Members.  


1.     The Executive Committee Shall Consist of:

                                         a.     Board President

                                         b.     Board Vice-President

                                         c.     Board Treasurer

                                         d.     Organizational Commissioner

                                         e.     Board Secretary



2.     Board Officers Shall Include:

                                         a.   Sergeant-At-Arms

                                         b.     Cheer Coordinator

                                         c.     Concessions Director

                                         d.     Equipment Director

                                         e.     Football Coordinator

                                          f.     Fundraising Director

                                         g.     Government and Legal Affairs Director

                                         h.     Merchandise Director

                                          i.     Recruiting Director

                                          j.     Safety Director

                                         k.     Scholastic Director

                                          l.     Volunteer Coordinator

m.     Social Director

                                          n.     Sponsorship Director


3.     At-Large Board Members

                                         a.     The Board may add At-Large Board positions on an as-needed basis.


    II.        Powers and Responsibilities of Board Members:

1.      Board President

                                         a.     The President shall be Chief Executive Officer of MLYFA, Inc. and shall manage all association business and implement policies established by the Executive Council.

                                         b.     The President shall preside at all meetings of the association, call special meetings as needed, and appoint all committees with a 2/3 vote by the Executive Council.

                                         c.     The President shall delegate responsibilities of the Executive Committee and shall perform the duties usually required of a presiding member.

                                         d.     The President shall be authorized to approve MLYFA, Inc. checks for disbursements and shall approve checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check request and on the check prior to approving.

                                         e.     The President shall perform such duties ordinarily incumbent upon Presidents and such other duties as assigned by MLYFA, Inc.

                                          f.     The President shall perform all required functions in the absence of the Commissioner.

                                         g.     The President shall assist the Commissioner in any matter concerning the town of Mount Laurel, Burlington County and Lenape High School.

                                         h.     The President shall assist the Commissioner in acquiring practice and game fields.

2.     Board Vice-President

                                         a.     The Vice-President shall assist the president with any organizational activities as assigned by the president.

                                         b.     The Vice-President shall preside over any organizational activities in the absence of the president.

3.     Board Treasurer

                                         a.     The Treasurer be responsible for all bookkeeping and financial management for MLYFA, Inc.

                                         b.     The Treasurer (or designee) is required to be at all functions that require receipt of funds, including but not limited to registrations.

                                         c.     The Treasurer shall make all disbursements by check at regular monthly meetings and give an accounting of funds in the form of a balance sheet monthly.

                                         d.     The treasurer shall maintain a petty cash fund in the amount of $200.00 for incidental expenditures.

                                         e.     The Treasurer shall be authorized to be a co-signer of MLYFA, Inc. checks for disbursement and shall co-sign checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check prior to endorsing.

                                          f.     The Treasurer shall present a final written financial report to include a balance sheet by December 31st of the current year.

                                         g.     The Treasurer along with the President will make all reports to the accounting firm and/or IRS and the State of New Jersey within the deadlines required by these agencies.

                                         h.     Treasurer shall provide the Concession Director a cash deposit sufficient to provide change prior to the game and will give a written receipt to the concession Director signed by both. The Concession Director will return the original cash deposit back to the Treasurer at the close of the concession stand and the Treasurer will provide a receipt to the Concession Director that is signed by both.

                                          i.     All checks and withdrawal slips must be signed/approved by two (2) of the three (3) following officers:  Commissioner, President, and Treasurer.

                                          j.     The Treasurer will provide a financial report at each Board meeting to include the monthly bank reconciliation.

4.     Organizational Commissioner

                                         a.     The Commissioner shall represent MLYFA, Inc on all relations with South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association.  The Commissioner shall perform a like function in relation to MLYFA, Inc

                                         b.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes in writing to the Board, as necessary.

                                         c.     The Commissioner or his/her designee shall be available during all scheduled association play, or on field disputes, the Commissioner’s decision on the field will be final.

                                         d.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for all participant rosters, physical forms, books, and waivers required by MLYFA, Inc

                                         e.     The Commissioner may appoint, with a 2/3 vote from the Executive Committee such special committees as may be necessary to assist in the administration of the affairs of the MLYFA, Inc.

                                          f.     The Commissioner shall be responsible to make sure that all Cheer Coaches and all Football Coaches and volunteers of the association who comes into direct interaction with any of the participants have the necessary South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association certifications.

                                         g.     The Commissioner shall make sure that all association volunteers wear their badges clearly visible at any and all South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association functions up to and including practices, physicals, games, etc.

                                         h.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for acquiring practice and game fields.

5.     Sergeant-At-Arms

                                         a.     The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be responsible for setting up facilities for Board Meetings, and shall maintain order during all Board Meetings.

6.     Social Director

                                         a.     Coordinate community outreach events to build community support for our football and cheer programs.

                                         b.     Be a liaison to the majority of the community and represent MLYFA, Inc. interests and vision.

                                         c.     Be present at the majority of home games to network with guests and build a positive community support.

7.     Sponsorship Director

                                         a.     The Sponsorship Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association sponsorship programs.

                                         b.     The Sponsorship Director shall solicit support, create committees and teams as appropriate to successfully execute sponsorship mission.

                                         c.     The Sponsorship Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Sponsorship Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

8.     Board Secretary

                                         a.     The duties of the Secretary shall be to take minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Council, and to enter such minutes in proper books and upload to website.

                                         b.     Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association, read the minutes and notices of all meetings, and papers and communications.

                                         c.     Mail and/or call all notices of the meetings to the Offices and Executive Committee.

                                         d.     The Secretary shall maintain a file of the reports of all committees.

                                         e.     The Secretary shall keep in his/her possession the registration of all active members and verify if needed, the eligibility of any active Mount Laurel Football Board Members.

                                          f.     The Secretary shall provide a written agenda to all Board of Directors members prior to the Executive Board meeting to include a time limit per topic.

                                         g.     Secretary shall mediate the meeting to include enforcement of the time limit of discussion per topic.

9.     Cheer Coordinator

                                         a.     The Cheer Coordinator shall have a minimum of two years coaching experience and have a full understanding and knowledge of South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association Cheer procedures and rules.

                                         b.     The Cheer Coordinator shall recruit qualified cheer coaches and insure that all appropriate training is attended and coaches hold appropriate badges.

                                         c.     The duties of the Cheer Coordinator shall be to maintain a line of communication between the Executive Council and all of the Association Head Cheerleading Coaches.

                                         d.     The Cheer Coordinator will be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes to the Executive Council, as necessary.

                                         e.     The Cheer Coordinator shall coordinate cheer uniform budgeting, purchases and storage with the Equipment Director.

                                          f.     The Cheer Coordinator shall support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the cheer program.

                                         g.     The Cheer Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches and adherence to all safety regulations.

                                         h.     The Cheer Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Cheerleading coaching staff.  

                                          i.     The Cheer Coordinator shall be responsible for all cheer coaches, assistant coaches, student demonstrators/Jr. coaches, cheerleaders.

                                          j.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the number and size of cheerleading teams.

                                         k.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the placement of cheerleaders on teams.

                                          l.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding level of competition declaration for all teams.

10.  Concessions Director

                                         a.     The Concession Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s concession program.

                                         b.     The Concession Director shall solicit support and create teams as appropriate to successfully execute the association concession program.

                                         c.     The Concession Director shall support the association budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Concession Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

11.  Equipment Director

                                         a.     The Equipment Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association equipment program.

                                         b.     The Equipment Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s Equipment program.

                                         c.     The Equipment Director shall support the association budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Equipment Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

                                         e.     The Equipment Director along with two (2) members of the board inspect all equipment for safety and serviceability prior to the league season and report findings to the Executive Committee.

                                          f.     The Equipment Director shall coordinate the reconditioning of helmets as needed.

                                         g.     The Equipment Director shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for new equipment purchases for the coming season.

                                         h.     The Equipment Director shall inventory all league equipment before and after the season and give report to the Board of Trustees.

                                          i.     The Equipment Director shall issue and recover from all Head Coaches all league equipment.

12.  Football Coordinator

                                         a.     The Football Coordinator shall monitor all practices in all divisions and provides assistance when requested or needed.

                                         b.     The Football Coordinator shall be a liaison between the Lenape High School football coaches and MLYFA, Inc.  including organizing and scheduling the Chain Crews for the Indians home games.

                                         c.     The Football Coordinator shall hold regular coaches’ meetings with each team’s head coach, offensive coordinator, and defensive coordinator to keep the coaches abreast of any rule changes and football concerns.

                                         d.     The Football Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches; all coaching staff is following the Coach’s Code of Conduct, and adherence to all safety regulations.

                                         e.     The Football Coordinator shall assist the Executive Committee in the selection of head coaches along with the input of the Commissioner.

                                          f.     The Football Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Football coaching staff.

                                         g.     The Football Coordinator shall coordinate cheer uniform budgeting, purchases and storage with the Equipment Director and support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the football program.

                                         h.     Make final decisions regarding the number and size of football teams.

                                          i.     Make final decisions regarding the placement of players on teams.

13.  Fundraising Director

                                         a.     The Fundraising Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association fundraising programs.

                                         b.     B. The Fundraising Director shall solicit support, create committees and teams as appropriate to successfully execute the fundraising mission.

                                         c.     The Fundraising Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Fundraising Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

14.  Government and Legal Affairs Director

                                         a.     The Government and Legal Affairs Director shall provide legal counsel, where necessary, to facilitate the objectives of MLYFA, Inc.

                                         b.     The Government and Legal Affairs Director shall interact with applicable government entities on behalf of MLYFA, Inc.

15.  Merchandise Director

                                         a.     The Merchandise Director shall be responsible for designing, ordering and maintaining inventory for MLYFA, Inc. merchandise.

                                         b.     The Merchandise Director is responsible for keeping a running inventory list of all merchandise in stock. 

                                         c.     The Merchandise Director should submit a cost VS pricing list of all merchandise to the Executive Board for pre-approval. 

                                         d.     The Merchandise Director should set up a SALE TABLE at all registrations offering all merchandise from the previous year at a discounted price in order to clear inventory for the new seasons merchandise.

16.  Recruiting Director

17.  Safety Director

                                         a.     The Safety Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s safety program.

                                         b.     The Safety Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s safety program.

                                         c.     The Safety Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Safety Director shall provide regular status reports to the

                                         e.     Board of Trustees.

18.  Scholastic Director

                                         a.     The Scholastics Director shall insure that each participant is academically eligible to participate by reviewing every participant’s report card.

                                         b.     The Scholastics Director should immediately submit the information on any player who does not meet scholastic requirements to the Executive Board, at which time the Executive Board will discuss any possible steps that must be taken to help the player in achieving the scholastic goals.

                                         c.     The Scholastics Director shall work with the board on securing

                                         d.     academic assistance for any player who does not meet scholastic

                                         e.     requirements.

                                          f.     The Scholastic Director will distribute applications to the participants who qualify for D2 and then will collect completed applications to forward on to D2.

19.  Volunteer Coordinator

                                         a.     The Volunteer Coordinator shall be primarily responsible for gaining volunteers to operate the concession stand, operate the field chains, and any other duties that require volunteer participation.


  III.        Qualifications and Terms of Board Positions

1.     To be eligible to run for any Executive Committee position, the member must have served a minimum of one (1) year on the Board of Trustees.

2.     There is no limitation on eligibility for non-Executive Committee positions.

3.     Any unexpired Board position term shall be filled by nomination and vote of the Executive Committee. 

  IV.        Board of Trustees

1.     General Provisions and Eligibility

                                         a.     The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least seven (7) but not more than twenty-one (21) members. 

                                         b.     Board members shall serve on committees as appointed by the Chair.

                                         c.     All Board members shall serve as volunteers, and without compensation.

2.     Terms

                                         a.     Board members shall serve for a three (2) year term, each term to commence March 1. 

3.     Vacancies

                                         a.     Expired Terms

1.     Announcements for new terms for the Board shall be announced prior to the annual banquet.

2.     Elections shall take place after the banquet, but prior to March 1, when the new terms begin.

3.      A simple majority vote required for election to the Board.

4.     All seated board members may vote for vacancies resulting from an expired term.

                                         b.     Unexpired Terms

1.     The Executive Committee shall appoint and vote upon unexpired term vacancies.

    V.        Voting

1.     All members of the Board of Trustees shall have one (1) equal vote, unless otherwise specified.

2.     A Quorum shall be required for all substantive votes unless an applicable exception applies.  Procedural motions do not require a Quorum.

                                         a.     A quorum for any meeting of the Board shall consist of a simple majority of the members filled Board seats. 


  VI.        Discipline of Members

1.     Classes of Discipline

                                         a.     Censure

1.     Where a MLYFA, Inc. trustee is responsible for violations of the law of the United States of America, the State of New Jersey, or any other behavior deemed to be violative of the MLYFA, INC. mission can be addressed by a formal written reprimand upon the approval of a simple majority of board members.

                                         b.     Removal from MLYFA, INC.

1.     Where individual conduct is deemed to be so egregious that the broader membership and organization may suffer as a result, said member may be expelled from the organization by a three-quarters (3/4) vote of board members. 

2.     An individual convicted of an indictable offense will automatically be removed from the Board. 

2.     Impeachment

                                         a.     Any officer may be impeached according to the following procedure:

1.     Petition Executive Committee with signatures of 1/3 of board members petition should state reason for removal.

2.     Executive Committee shall then notify officers and call for removal vote within fourteen days of the filing of the petition.

3.     Memberships shall be notified at least one week prior to removal vote meeting.

4.     At the meeting for removal, the petition's stated grievances shall be made public and the officer charged shall be allowed to respond to the charges of the petition.

5.     Removal from office shall require a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all voting members.


VII.        Rules of Order

1.     The Board adopts Robert’s Rules of Order for formal proceedings, except as amended herein.


VIII.        Amendments

1.     Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented to the board, in writing in advance of any vote.

2.     Bylaws amendments require approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting Trustees present at a regular meeting. The amendment shall be effective immediately unless othBYLAWS


Statement of Purpose: To operate non-profit youth football and cheerleading teams for participation in youth league in Mount Laurel, New Jersey.

      I.        Board of Trustees for the Mount Laurel Youth Football Association, Inc. (hereinafter MLYFA) shall be composed of an Executive Committee, Board Officers, and At-Large Board Members.  


1.     The Executive Committee Shall Consist of:

                                         a.     Board President

                                         b.     Board Vice-President

                                         c.     Board Treasurer

                                         d.     Organizational Commissioner

                                         e.     Sergeant-At-Arms

                                          f.     Social Director

                                         g.     Sponsorship Director


2.     Board Officers Shall Include:

                                         a.     Board Secretary

                                         b.     Cheer Coordinator

                                         c.     Concessions Director

                                         d.     Equipment Director

                                         e.     Football Coordinator

                                          f.     Fundraising Director

                                         g.     Government and Legal Affairs Director

                                         h.     Merchandise Director

                                          i.     Recruiting Director

                                          j.     Safety Director

                                         k.     Scholastic Director

                                          l.     Volunteer Coordinator


3.     At-Large Board Members

                                         a.     The Board may add At-Large Board positions on an as-needed basis.


    II.        Powers and Responsibilities of Board Members:

1.      Board President

                                         a.     The President shall be Chief Executive Officer of MLYFA, Inc. and shall manage all association business and implement policies established by the Executive Council.

                                         b.     The President shall preside at all meetings of the association, call special meetings as needed, and appoint all committees with a 2/3 vote by the Executive Council.

                                         c.     The President shall delegate responsibilities of the Executive Committee and shall perform the duties usually required of a presiding member.

                                         d.     The President shall be authorized to approve MLYFA, Inc. checks for disbursements and shall approve checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check request and on the check prior to approving.

                                         e.     The President shall perform such duties ordinarily incumbent upon Presidents and such other duties as assigned by MLYFA, Inc.

                                          f.     The President shall perform all required functions in the absence of the Commissioner.

                                         g.     The President shall assist the Commissioner in any matter concerning the town of Mount Laurel, Burlington County and Lenape High School.

                                         h.     The President shall assist the Commissioner in acquiring practice and game fields.

2.     Board Vice-President

                                         a.     The Vice-President shall assist the president with any organizational activities as assigned by the president.

                                         b.     The Vice-President shall preside over any organizational activities in the absence of the president.

3.     Board Treasurer

                                         a.     The Treasurer be responsible for all bookkeeping and financial management for MLYFA, Inc.

                                         b.     The Treasurer (or designee) is required to be at all functions that require receipt of funds, including but not limited to registrations.

                                         c.     The Treasurer shall make all disbursements by check at regular monthly meetings and give an accounting of funds in the form of a balance sheet monthly.

                                         d.     The treasurer shall maintain a petty cash fund in the amount of $200.00 for incidental expenditures.

                                         e.     The Treasurer shall be authorized to be a co-signer of MLYFA, Inc. checks for disbursement and shall co-sign checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check prior to endorsing.

                                          f.     The Treasurer shall present a final written financial report to include a balance sheet by December 31st of the current year.

                                         g.     The Treasurer along with the President will make all reports to the accounting firm and/or IRS and the State of New Jersey within the deadlines required by these agencies.

                                         h.     Treasurer shall provide the Concession Director a cash deposit sufficient to provide change prior to the game and will give a written receipt to the concession Director signed by both. The Concession Director will return the original cash deposit back to the Treasurer at the close of the concession stand and the Treasurer will provide a receipt to the Concession Director that is signed by both.

                                          i.     All checks and withdrawal slips must be signed/approved by two (2) of the three (3) following officers:  Commissioner, President, and Treasurer.

                                          j.     The Treasurer will provide a financial report at each Board meeting to include the monthly bank reconciliation.

4.     Organizational Commissioner

                                         a.     The Commissioner shall represent MLYFA, Inc on all relations with South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association.  The Commissioner shall perform a like function in relation to MLYFA, Inc

                                         b.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes in writing to the Board, as necessary.

                                         c.     The Commissioner or his/her designee shall be available during all scheduled association play, or on field disputes, the Commissioner’s decision on the field will be final.

                                         d.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for all participant rosters, physical forms, books, and waivers required by MLYFA, Inc

                                         e.     The Commissioner may appoint, with a 2/3 vote from the Executive Committee such special committees as may be necessary to assist in the administration of the affairs of the MLYFA, Inc.

                                          f.     The Commissioner shall be responsible to make sure that all Cheer Coaches and all Football Coaches and volunteers of the association who comes into direct interaction with any of the participants have the necessary South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association certifications.

                                         g.     The Commissioner shall make sure that all association volunteers wear their badges clearly visible at any and all South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association functions up to and including practices, physicals, games, etc.

                                         h.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for acquiring practice and game fields.

5.     Sergeant-At-Arms

                                         a.     The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be responsible for setting up facilities for Board Meetings, and shall maintain order during all Board Meetings.

6.     Social Director

                                         a.     Coordinate community outreach events to build community support for our football and cheer programs.

                                         b.     Be a liaison to the majority of the community and represent MLYFA, Inc. interests and vision.

                                         c.     Be present at the majority of home games to network with guests and build a positive community support.

7.     Sponsorship Director

                                         a.     The Sponsorship Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association sponsorship programs.

                                         b.     The Sponsorship Director shall solicit support, create committees and teams as appropriate to successfully execute sponsorship mission.

                                         c.     The Sponsorship Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Sponsorship Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

8.     Board Secretary

                                         a.     The duties of the Secretary shall be to take minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Council, and to enter such minutes in proper books and upload to website.

                                         b.     Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association, read the minutes and notices of all meetings, and papers and communications.

                                         c.     Mail and/or call all notices of the meetings to the Offices and Executive Committee.

                                         d.     The Secretary shall maintain a file of the reports of all committees.

                                         e.     The Secretary shall keep in his/her possession the registration of all active members and verify if needed, the eligibility of any active Mount Laurel Football Board Members.

                                          f.     The Secretary shall provide a written agenda to all Board of Directors members prior to the Executive Board meeting to include a time limit per topic.

                                         g.     Secretary shall mediate the meeting to include enforcement of the time limit of discussion per topic.

9.     Cheer Coordinator

                                         a.     The Cheer Coordinator shall have a minimum of two years coaching experience and have a full understanding and knowledge of South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association Cheer procedures and rules.

                                         b.     The Cheer Coordinator shall recruit qualified cheer coaches and insure that all appropriate training is attended and coaches hold appropriate badges.

                                         c.     The duties of the Cheer Coordinator shall be to maintain a line of communication between the Executive Council and all of the Association Head Cheerleading Coaches.

                                         d.     The Cheer Coordinator will be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes to the Executive Council, as necessary.

                                         e.     The Cheer Coordinator shall coordinate cheer uniform budgeting, purchases and storage with the Equipment Director.

                                          f.     The Cheer Coordinator shall support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the cheer program.

                                         g.     The Cheer Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches and adherence to all safety regulations.

                                         h.     The Cheer Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Cheerleading coaching staff.  

                                          i.     The Cheer Coordinator shall be responsible for all cheer coaches, assistant coaches, student demonstrators/Jr. coaches, cheerleaders.

                                          j.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the number and size of cheerleading teams.

                                         k.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the placement of cheerleaders on teams.

                                          l.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding level of competition declaration for all teams.

10.  Concessions Director

                                         a.     The Concession Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s concession program.

                                         b.     The Concession Director shall solicit support and create teams as appropriate to successfully execute the association concession program.

                                         c.     The Concession Director shall support the association budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Concession Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

11.  Equipment Director

                                         a.     The Equipment Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association equipment program.

                                         b.     The Equipment Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s Equipment program.

                                         c.     The Equipment Director shall support the association budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Equipment Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

                                         e.     The Equipment Director along with two (2) members of the board inspect all equipment for safety and serviceability prior to the league season and report findings to the Executive Committee.

                                          f.     The Equipment Director shall coordinate the reconditioning of helmets as needed.

                                         g.     The Equipment Director shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for new equipment purchases for the coming season.

                                         h.     The Equipment Director shall inventory all league equipment before and after the season and give report to the Board of Trustees.

                                          i.     The Equipment Director shall issue and recover from all Head Coaches all league equipment.

12.  Football Coordinator

                                         a.     The Football Coordinator shall monitor all practices in all divisions and provides assistance when requested or needed.

                                         b.     The Football Coordinator shall be a liaison between the Lenape High School football coaches and MLYFA, Inc.  including organizing and scheduling the Chain Crews for the Indians home games.

                                         c.     The Football Coordinator shall hold regular coaches’ meetings with each team’s head coach, offensive coordinator, and defensive coordinator to keep the coaches abreast of any rule changes and football concerns.

                                         d.     The Football Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches; all coaching staff is following the Coach’s Code of Conduct, and adherence to all safety regulations.

                                         e.     The Football Coordinator shall assist the Executive Committee in the selection of head coaches along with the input of the Commissioner.

                                          f.     The Football Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Football coaching staff.

                                         g.     The Football Coordinator shall coordinate cheer uniform budgeting, purchases and storage with the Equipment Director and support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the football program.

                                         h.     Make final decisions regarding the number and size of football teams.

                                          i.     Make final decisions regarding the placement of players on teams.

13.  Fundraising Director

                                         a.     The Fundraising Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association fundraising programs.

                                         b.     B. The Fundraising Director shall solicit support, create committees and teams as appropriate to successfully execute the fundraising mission.

                                         c.     The Fundraising Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Fundraising Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

14.  Government and Legal Affairs Director

                                         a.     The Government and Legal Affairs Director shall provide legal counsel, where necessary, to facilitate the objectives of MLYFA, Inc.

                                         b.     The Government and Legal Affairs Director shall interact with applicable government entities on behalf of MLYFA, Inc.

15.  Merchandise Director

                                         a.     The Merchandise Director shall be responsible for designing, ordering and maintaining inventory for MLYFA, Inc. merchandise.

                                         b.     The Merchandise Director is responsible for keeping a running inventory list of all merchandise in stock. 

                                         c.     The Merchandise Director should submit a cost VS pricing list of all merchandise to the Executive Board for pre-approval. 

                                         d.     The Merchandise Director should set up a SALE TABLE at all registrations offering all merchandise from the previous year at a discounted price in order to clear inventory for the new seasons merchandise.

16.  Recruiting Director

17.  Safety Director

                                         a.     The Safety Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s safety program.

                                         b.     The Safety Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s safety program.

                                         c.     The Safety Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Safety Director shall provide regular status reports to the

                                         e.     Board of Trustees.

18.  Scholastic Director

                                         a.     The Scholastics Director shall insure that each participant is academically eligible to participate by reviewing every participant’s report card.

                                         b.     The Scholastics Director should immediately submit the information on any player who does not meet scholastic requirements to the Executive Board, at which time the Executive Board will discuss any possible steps that must be taken to help the player in achieving the scholastic goals.

                                         c.     The Scholastics Director shall work with the board on securing

                                         d.     academic assistance for any player who does not meet scholastic

                                         e.     requirements.

                                          f.     The Scholastic Director will distribute applications to the participants who qualify for D2 and then will collect completed applications to forward on to D2.

19.  Volunteer Coordinator

                                         a.     The Volunteer Coordinator shall be primarily responsible for gaining volunteers to operate the concession stand, operate the field chains, and any other duties that require volunteer participation.


  III.        Qualifications and Terms of Board Positions

1.     To be eligible to run for any Executive Committee position, the member must have served a minimum of one (1) year on the Board of Trustees.

2.     There is no limitation on eligibility for non-Executive Committee positions.

3.     Any unexpired Board position term shall be filled by nomination and vote of the Executive Committee. 

  IV.        Board of Trustees

1.     General Provisions and Eligibility

                                         a.     The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least seven (7) but not more than twenty-one (21) members. 

                                         b.     Board members shall serve on committees as appointed by the Chair.

                                         c.     All Board members shall serve as volunteers, and without compensation.

2.     Terms

                                         a.     Board members shall serve for a three (2) year term, each term to commence March 1. 

3.     Vacancies

                                         a.     Expired Terms

1.     Announcements for new terms for the Board shall be announced prior to the annual banquet.

2.     Elections shall take place after the banquet, but prior to March 1, when the new terms begin.

3.      A simple majority vote required for election to the Board.

4.     All seated board members may vote for vacancies resulting from an expired term.

                                         b.     Unexpired Terms

1.     The Executive Committee shall appoint and vote upon unexpired term vacancies.

    V.        Voting

1.     All members of the Board of Trustees shall have one (1) equal vote, unless otherwise specified.

2.     A Quorum shall be required for all substantive votes unless an applicable exception applies.  Procedural motions do not require a Quorum.

                                         a.     A quorum for any meeting of the Board shall consist of a simple majority of the members filled Board seats. 


  VI.        Discipline of Members

1.     Classes of Discipline

                                         a.     Censure

1.     Where a MLYFA, Inc. trustee is responsible for violations of the law of the United States of America, the State of New Jersey, or any other behavior deemed to be violative of the MLYFA, INC. mission can be addressed by a formal written reprimand upon the approval of a simple majority of board members.

                                         b.     Removal from MLYFA, INC.

1.     Where individual conduct is deemed to be so egregious that the broader membership and organization may suffer as a result, said member may be expelled from the organization by a three-quarters (3/4) vote of board members. 

2.     An individual convicted of an indictable offense will automatically be removed from the Board. 

2.     Impeachment

                                         a.     Any officer may be impeached according to the following procedure:

1.     Petition Executive Committee with signatures of 1/3 of board members petition should state reason for removal.

2.     Executive Committee shall then notify officers and call for removal vote within fourteen days of the filing of the petition.

3.     Memberships shall be notified at least one week prior to removal vote meeting.

4.     At the meeting for removal, the petition's stated grievances shall be made public and the officer charged shall be allowed to respond to the charges of the petition.

5.     Removal from office shall require a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all voting members.


VII.        Rules of Order

1.     The Board adopts Robert’s Rules of Order for formal proceedings, except as amended herein.


VIII.        Amendments

1.     Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented to the board, in writing in advance of any vote.

2.     Bylaws amendments require approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting Trustees present at a regular meeting. The amendment shall be effective immediately unless otherwise stipulated in the amendment.

 IX.        Dissolution

1.     The MLYFA, Inc. may be dissolved by a unanimous vote of all seated Board Members.

These Bylaws were adopted on February 17, 2019.BYLAWS


Statement of Purpose: To operate non-profit youth football and cheerleading teams for participation in youth league in Mount Laurel, New Jersey.

      I.        Board of Trustees for the Mount Laurel Youth Football Association, Inc. (hereinafter MLYFA) shall be composed of an Executive Committee, Board Officers, and At-Large Board Members.  


1.     The Executive Committee Shall Consist of:

                                         a.     Board President

                                         b.     Board Vice-President

                                         c.     Board Treasurer

                                         d.     Organizational Commissioner

                                         e.     Sergeant-At-Arms

                                          f.     Social Director

                                         g.     Sponsorship Director


2.     Board Officers Shall Include:

                                         a.     Board Secretary

                                         b.     Cheer Coordinator

                                         c.     Concessions Director

                                         d.     Equipment Director

                                         e.     Football Coordinator

                                          f.     Fundraising Director

                                         g.     Government and Legal Affairs Director

                                         h.     Merchandise Director

                                          i.     Recruiting Director

                                          j.     Safety Director

                                         k.     Scholastic Director

                                          l.     Volunteer Coordinator


3.     At-Large Board Members

                                         a.     The Board may add At-Large Board positions on an as-needed basis.


    II.        Powers and Responsibilities of Board Members:

1.      Board President

                                         a.     The President shall be Chief Executive Officer of MLYFA, Inc. and shall manage all association business and implement policies established by the Executive Council.

                                         b.     The President shall preside at all meetings of the association, call special meetings as needed, and appoint all committees with a 2/3 vote by the Executive Council.

                                         c.     The President shall delegate responsibilities of the Executive Committee and shall perform the duties usually required of a presiding member.

                                         d.     The President shall be authorized to approve MLYFA, Inc. checks for disbursements and shall approve checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check request and on the check prior to approving.

                                         e.     The President shall perform such duties ordinarily incumbent upon Presidents and such other duties as assigned by MLYFA, Inc.

                                          f.     The President shall perform all required functions in the absence of the Commissioner.

                                         g.     The President shall assist the Commissioner in any matter concerning the town of Mount Laurel, Burlington County and Lenape High School.

                                         h.     The President shall assist the Commissioner in acquiring practice and game fields.

2.     Board Vice-President

                                         a.     The Vice-President shall assist the president with any organizational activities as assigned by the president.

                                         b.     The Vice-President shall preside over any organizational activities in the absence of the president.

3.     Board Treasurer

                                         a.     The Treasurer be responsible for all bookkeeping and financial management for MLYFA, Inc.

                                         b.     The Treasurer (or designee) is required to be at all functions that require receipt of funds, including but not limited to registrations.

                                         c.     The Treasurer shall make all disbursements by check at regular monthly meetings and give an accounting of funds in the form of a balance sheet monthly.

                                         d.     The treasurer shall maintain a petty cash fund in the amount of $200.00 for incidental expenditures.

                                         e.     The Treasurer shall be authorized to be a co-signer of MLYFA, Inc. checks for disbursement and shall co-sign checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check prior to endorsing.

                                          f.     The Treasurer shall present a final written financial report to include a balance sheet by December 31st of the current year.

                                         g.     The Treasurer along with the President will make all reports to the accounting firm and/or IRS and the State of New Jersey within the deadlines required by these agencies.

                                         h.     Treasurer shall provide the Concession Director a cash deposit sufficient to provide change prior to the game and will give a written receipt to the concession Director signed by both. The Concession Director will return the original cash deposit back to the Treasurer at the close of the concession stand and the Treasurer will provide a receipt to the Concession Director that is signed by both.

                                          i.     All checks and withdrawal slips must be signed/approved by two (2) of the three (3) following officers:  Commissioner, President, and Treasurer.

                                          j.     The Treasurer will provide a financial report at each Board meeting to include the monthly bank reconciliation.

4.     Organizational Commissioner

                                         a.     The Commissioner shall represent MLYFA, Inc on all relations with South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association.  The Commissioner shall perform a like function in relation to MLYFA, Inc

                                         b.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes in writing to the Board, as necessary.

                                         c.     The Commissioner or his/her designee shall be available during all scheduled association play, or on field disputes, the Commissioner’s decision on the field will be final.

                                         d.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for all participant rosters, physical forms, books, and waivers required by MLYFA, Inc

                                         e.     The Commissioner may appoint, with a 2/3 vote from the Executive Committee such special committees as may be necessary to assist in the administration of the affairs of the MLYFA, Inc.

                                          f.     The Commissioner shall be responsible to make sure that all Cheer Coaches and all Football Coaches and volunteers of the association who comes into direct interaction with any of the participants have the necessary South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association certifications.

                                         g.     The Commissioner shall make sure that all association volunteers wear their badges clearly visible at any and all South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association functions up to and including practices, physicals, games, etc.

                                         h.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for acquiring practice and game fields.

5.     Sergeant-At-Arms

                                         a.     The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be responsible for setting up facilities for Board Meetings, and shall maintain order during all Board Meetings.

6.     Social Director

                                         a.     Coordinate community outreach events to build community support for our football and cheer programs.

                                         b.     Be a liaison to the majority of the community and represent MLYFA, Inc. interests and vision.

                                         c.     Be present at the majority of home games to network with guests and build a positive community support.

7.     Sponsorship Director

                                         a.     The Sponsorship Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association sponsorship programs.

                                         b.     The Sponsorship Director shall solicit support, create committees and teams as appropriate to successfully execute sponsorship mission.

                                         c.     The Sponsorship Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Sponsorship Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

8.     Board Secretary

                                         a.     The duties of the Secretary shall be to take minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Council, and to enter such minutes in proper books and upload to website.

                                         b.     Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association, read the minutes and notices of all meetings, and papers and communications.

                                         c.     Mail and/or call all notices of the meetings to the Offices and Executive Committee.

                                         d.     The Secretary shall maintain a file of the reports of all committees.

                                         e.     The Secretary shall keep in his/her possession the registration of all active members and verify if needed, the eligibility of any active Mount Laurel Football Board Members.

                                          f.     The Secretary shall provide a written agenda to all Board of Directors members prior to the Executive Board meeting to include a time limit per topic.

                                         g.     Secretary shall mediate the meeting to include enforcement of the time limit of discussion per topic.

9.     Cheer Coordinator

                                         a.     The Cheer Coordinator shall have a minimum of two years coaching experience and have a full understanding and knowledge of South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association Cheer procedures and rules.

                                         b.     The Cheer Coordinator shall recruit qualified cheer coaches and insure that all appropriate training is attended and coaches hold appropriate badges.

                                         c.     The duties of the Cheer Coordinator shall be to maintain a line of communication between the Executive Council and all of the Association Head Cheerleading Coaches.

                                         d.     The Cheer Coordinator will be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes to the Executive Council, as necessary.

                                         e.     The Cheer Coordinator shall coordinate cheer uniform budgeting, purchases and storage with the Equipment Director.

                                          f.     The Cheer Coordinator shall support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the cheer program.

                                         g.     The Cheer Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches and adherence to all safety regulations.

                                         h.     The Cheer Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Cheerleading coaching staff.  

                                          i.     The Cheer Coordinator shall be responsible for all cheer coaches, assistant coaches, student demonstrators/Jr. coaches, cheerleaders.

                                          j.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the number and size of cheerleading teams.

                                         k.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the placement of cheerleaders on teams.

                                          l.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding level of competition declaration for all teams.

10.  Concessions Director

                                         a.     The Concession Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s concession program.

                                         b.     The Concession Director shall solicit support and create teams as appropriate to successfully execute the association concession program.

                                         c.     The Concession Director shall support the association budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Concession Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

11.  Equipment Director

                                         a.     The Equipment Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association equipment program.

                                         b.     The Equipment Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s Equipment program.

                                         c.     The Equipment Director shall support the association budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Equipment Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

                                         e.     The Equipment Director along with two (2) members of the board inspect all equipment for safety and serviceability prior to the league season and report findings to the Executive Committee.

                                          f.     The Equipment Director shall coordinate the reconditioning of helmets as needed.

                                         g.     The Equipment Director shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for new equipment purchases for the coming season.

                                         h.     The Equipment Director shall inventory all league equipment before and after the season and give report to the Board of Trustees.

                                          i.     The Equipment Director shall issue and recover from all Head Coaches all league equipment.

12.  Football Coordinator

                                         a.     The Football Coordinator shall monitor all practices in all divisions and provides assistance when requested or needed.

                                         b.     The Football Coordinator shall be a liaison between the Lenape High School football coaches and MLYFA, Inc.  including organizing and scheduling the Chain Crews for the Indians home games.

                                         c.     The Football Coordinator shall hold regular coaches’ meetings with each team’s head coach, offensive coordinator, and defensive coordinator to keep the coaches abreast of any rule changes and football concerns.

                                         d.     The Football Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches; all coaching staff is following the Coach’s Code of Conduct, and adherence to all safety regulations.

                                         e.     The Football Coordinator shall assist the Executive Committee in the selection of head coaches along with the input of the Commissioner.

                                          f.     The Football Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Football coaching staff.

                                         g.     The Football Coordinator shall coordinate cheer uniform budgeting, purchases and storage with the Equipment Director and support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the football program.

                                         h.     Make final decisions regarding the number and size of football teams.

                                          i.     Make final decisions regarding the placement of players on teams.

13.  Fundraising Director

                                         a.     The Fundraising Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association fundraising programs.

                                         b.     B. The Fundraising Director shall solicit support, create committees and teams as appropriate to successfully execute the fundraising mission.

                                         c.     The Fundraising Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Fundraising Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

14.  Government and Legal Affairs Director

                                         a.     The Government and Legal Affairs Director shall provide legal counsel, where necessary, to facilitate the objectives of MLYFA, Inc.

                                         b.     The Government and Legal Affairs Director shall interact with applicable government entities on behalf of MLYFA, Inc.

15.  Merchandise Director

                                         a.     The Merchandise Director shall be responsible for designing, ordering and maintaining inventory for MLYFA, Inc. merchandise.

                                         b.     The Merchandise Director is responsible for keeping a running inventory list of all merchandise in stock. 

                                         c.     The Merchandise Director should submit a cost VS pricing list of all merchandise to the Executive Board for pre-approval. 

                                         d.     The Merchandise Director should set up a SALE TABLE at all registrations offering all merchandise from the previous year at a discounted price in order to clear inventory for the new seasons merchandise.

16.  Recruiting Director

17.  Safety Director

                                         a.     The Safety Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s safety program.

                                         b.     The Safety Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s safety program.

                                         c.     The Safety Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Safety Director shall provide regular status reports to the

                                         e.     Board of Trustees.

18.  Scholastic Director

                                         a.     The Scholastics Director shall insure that each participant is academically eligible to participate by reviewing every participant’s report card.

                                         b.     The Scholastics Director should immediately submit the information on any player who does not meet scholastic requirements to the Executive Board, at which time the Executive Board will discuss any possible steps that must be taken to help the player in achieving the scholastic goals.

                                         c.     The Scholastics Director shall work with the board on securing

                                         d.     academic assistance for any player who does not meet scholastic

                                         e.     requirements.

                                          f.     The Scholastic Director will distribute applications to the participants who qualify for D2 and then will collect completed applications to forward on to D2.

19.  Volunteer Coordinator

                                         a.     The Volunteer Coordinator shall be primarily responsible for gaining volunteers to operate the concession stand, operate the field chains, and any other duties that require volunteer participation.


  III.        Qualifications and Terms of Board Positions

1.     To be eligible to run for any Executive Committee position, the member must have served a minimum of one (1) year on the Board of Trustees.

2.     There is no limitation on eligibility for non-Executive Committee positions.

3.     Any unexpired Board position term shall be filled by nomination and vote of the Executive Committee. 

  IV.        Board of Trustees

1.     General Provisions and Eligibility

                                         a.     The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least seven (7) but not more than twenty-one (21) members. 

                                         b.     Board members shall serve on committees as appointed by the Chair.

                                         c.     All Board members shall serve as volunteers, and without compensation.

2.     Terms

                                         a.     Board members shall serve for a three (2) year term, each term to commence March 1. 

3.     Vacancies

                                         a.     Expired Terms

1.     Announcements for new terms for the Board shall be announced prior to the annual banquet.

2.     Elections shall take place after the banquet, but prior to March 1, when the new terms begin.

3.      A simple majority vote required for election to the Board.

4.     All seated board members may vote for vacancies resulting from an expired term.

                                         b.     Unexpired Terms

1.     The Executive Committee shall appoint and vote upon unexpired term vacancies.

    V.        Voting

1.     All members of the Board of Trustees shall have one (1) equal vote, unless otherwise specified.

2.     A Quorum shall be required for all substantive votes unless an applicable exception applies.  Procedural motions do not require a Quorum.

                                         a.     A quorum for any meeting of the Board shall consist of a simple majority of the members filled Board seats. 


  VI.        Discipline of Members

1.     Classes of Discipline

                                         a.     Censure

1.     Where a MLYFA, Inc. trustee is responsible for violations of the law of the United States of America, the State of New Jersey, or any other behavior deemed to be violative of the MLYFA, INC. mission can be addressed by a formal written reprimand upon the approval of a simple majority of board members.

                                         b.     Removal from MLYFA, INC.

1.     Where individual conduct is deemed to be so egregious that the broader membership and organization may suffer as a result, said member may be expelled from the organization by a three-quarters (3/4) vote of board members. 

2.     An individual convicted of an indictable offense will automatically be removed from the Board. 

2.     Impeachment

                                         a.     Any officer may be impeached according to the following procedure:

1.     Petition Executive Committee with signatures of 1/3 of board members petition should state reason for removal.

2.     Executive Committee shall then notify officers and call for removal vote within fourteen days of the filing of the petition.

3.     Memberships shall be notified at least one week prior to removal vote meeting.

4.     At the meeting for removal, the petition's stated grievances shall be made public and the officer charged shall be allowed to respond to the charges of the petition.

5.     Removal from office shall require a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all voting members.


VII.        Rules of Order

1.     The Board adopts Robert’s Rules of Order for formal proceedings, except as amended herein.


VIII.        Amendments

1.     Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented to the board, in writing in advance of any vote.

2.     Bylaws amendments require approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting Trustees present at a regular meeting. The amendment shall be effective immediately unless otherwise stipulated in the amendment.

 IX.        Dissolution

1.     The MLYFA, Inc. may be dissolved by a unanimous vote of all seated Board Members.

These Bylaws were adopted on February 17, 2019.BYLAWS


Statement of Purpose: To operate non-profit youth football and cheerleading teams for participation in youth league in Mount Laurel, New Jersey.

      I.        Board of Trustees for the Mount Laurel Youth Football Association, Inc. (hereinafter MLYFA) shall be composed of an Executive Committee, Board Officers, and At-Large Board Members.  


1.     The Executive Committee Shall Consist of:

                                         a.     Board President

                                         b.     Board Vice-President

                                         c.     Board Treasurer

                                         d.     Organizational Commissioner

                                         e.     Sergeant-At-Arms

                                          f.     Social Director

                                         g.     Sponsorship Director


2.     Board Officers Shall Include:

                                         a.     Board Secretary

                                         b.     Cheer Coordinator

                                         c.     Concessions Director

                                         d.     Equipment Director

                                         e.     Football Coordinator

                                          f.     Fundraising Director

                                         g.     Government and Legal Affairs Director

                                         h.     Merchandise Director

                                          i.     Recruiting Director

                                          j.     Safety Director

                                         k.     Scholastic Director

                                          l.     Volunteer Coordinator


3.     At-Large Board Members

                                         a.     The Board may add At-Large Board positions on an as-needed basis.


    II.        Powers and Responsibilities of Board Members:

1.      Board President

                                         a.     The President shall be Chief Executive Officer of MLYFA, Inc. and shall manage all association business and implement policies established by the Executive Council.

                                         b.     The President shall preside at all meetings of the association, call special meetings as needed, and appoint all committees with a 2/3 vote by the Executive Council.

                                         c.     The President shall delegate responsibilities of the Executive Committee and shall perform the duties usually required of a presiding member.

                                         d.     The President shall be authorized to approve MLYFA, Inc. checks for disbursements and shall approve checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check request and on the check prior to approving.

                                         e.     The President shall perform such duties ordinarily incumbent upon Presidents and such other duties as assigned by MLYFA, Inc.

                                          f.     The President shall perform all required functions in the absence of the Commissioner.

                                         g.     The President shall assist the Commissioner in any matter concerning the town of Mount Laurel, Burlington County and Lenape High School.

                                         h.     The President shall assist the Commissioner in acquiring practice and game fields.

2.     Board Vice-President

                                         a.     The Vice-President shall assist the president with any organizational activities as assigned by the president.

                                         b.     The Vice-President shall preside over any organizational activities in the absence of the president.

3.     Board Treasurer

                                         a.     The Treasurer be responsible for all bookkeeping and financial management for MLYFA, Inc.

                                         b.     The Treasurer (or designee) is required to be at all functions that require receipt of funds, including but not limited to registrations.

                                         c.     The Treasurer shall make all disbursements by check at regular monthly meetings and give an accounting of funds in the form of a balance sheet monthly.

                                         d.     The treasurer shall maintain a petty cash fund in the amount of $200.00 for incidental expenditures.

                                         e.     The Treasurer shall be authorized to be a co-signer of MLYFA, Inc. checks for disbursement and shall co-sign checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check prior to endorsing.

                                          f.     The Treasurer shall present a final written financial report to include a balance sheet by December 31st of the current year.

                                         g.     The Treasurer along with the President will make all reports to the accounting firm and/or IRS and the State of New Jersey within the deadlines required by these agencies.

                                         h.     Treasurer shall provide the Concession Director a cash deposit sufficient to provide change prior to the game and will give a written receipt to the concession Director signed by both. The Concession Director will return the original cash deposit back to the Treasurer at the close of the concession stand and the Treasurer will provide a receipt to the Concession Director that is signed by both.

                                          i.     All checks and withdrawal slips must be signed/approved by two (2) of the three (3) following officers:  Commissioner, President, and Treasurer.

                                          j.     The Treasurer will provide a financial report at each Board meeting to include the monthly bank reconciliation.

4.     Organizational Commissioner

                                         a.     The Commissioner shall represent MLYFA, Inc on all relations with South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association.  The Commissioner shall perform a like function in relation to MLYFA, Inc

                                         b.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes in writing to the Board, as necessary.

                                         c.     The Commissioner or his/her designee shall be available during all scheduled association play, or on field disputes, the Commissioner’s decision on the field will be final.

                                         d.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for all participant rosters, physical forms, books, and waivers required by MLYFA, Inc

                                         e.     The Commissioner may appoint, with a 2/3 vote from the Executive Committee such special committees as may be necessary to assist in the administration of the affairs of the MLYFA, Inc.

                                          f.     The Commissioner shall be responsible to make sure that all Cheer Coaches and all Football Coaches and volunteers of the association who comes into direct interaction with any of the participants have the necessary South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association certifications.

                                         g.     The Commissioner shall make sure that all association volunteers wear their badges clearly visible at any and all South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association functions up to and including practices, physicals, games, etc.

                                         h.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for acquiring practice and game fields.

5.     Sergeant-At-Arms

                                         a.     The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be responsible for setting up facilities for Board Meetings, and shall maintain order during all Board Meetings.

6.     Social Director

                                         a.     Coordinate community outreach events to build community support for our football and cheer programs.

                                         b.     Be a liaison to the majority of the community and represent MLYFA, Inc. interests and vision.

                                         c.     Be present at the majority of home games to network with guests and build a positive community support.

7.     Sponsorship Director

                                         a.     The Sponsorship Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association sponsorship programs.

                                         b.     The Sponsorship Director shall solicit support, create committees and teams as appropriate to successfully execute sponsorship mission.

                                         c.     The Sponsorship Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Sponsorship Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

8.     Board Secretary

                                         a.     The duties of the Secretary shall be to take minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Council, and to enter such minutes in proper books and upload to website.

                                         b.     Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association, read the minutes and notices of all meetings, and papers and communications.

                                         c.     Mail and/or call all notices of the meetings to the Offices and Executive Committee.

                                         d.     The Secretary shall maintain a file of the reports of all committees.

                                         e.     The Secretary shall keep in his/her possession the registration of all active members and verify if needed, the eligibility of any active Mount Laurel Football Board Members.

                                          f.     The Secretary shall provide a written agenda to all Board of Directors members prior to the Executive Board meeting to include a time limit per topic.

                                         g.     Secretary shall mediate the meeting to include enforcement of the time limit of discussion per topic.

9.     Cheer Coordinator

                                         a.     The Cheer Coordinator shall have a minimum of two years coaching experience and have a full understanding and knowledge of South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association Cheer procedures and rules.

                                         b.     The Cheer Coordinator shall recruit qualified cheer coaches and insure that all appropriate training is attended and coaches hold appropriate badges.

                                         c.     The duties of the Cheer Coordinator shall be to maintain a line of communication between the Executive Council and all of the Association Head Cheerleading Coaches.

                                         d.     The Cheer Coordinator will be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes to the Executive Council, as necessary.

                                         e.     The Cheer Coordinator shall coordinate cheer uniform budgeting, purchases and storage with the Equipment Director.

                                          f.     The Cheer Coordinator shall support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the cheer program.

                                         g.     The Cheer Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches and adherence to all safety regulations.

                                         h.     The Cheer Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Cheerleading coaching staff.  

                                          i.     The Cheer Coordinator shall be responsible for all cheer coaches, assistant coaches, student demonstrators/Jr. coaches, cheerleaders.

                                          j.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the number and size of cheerleading teams.

                                         k.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the placement of cheerleaders on teams.

                                          l.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding level of competition declaration for all teams.

10.  Concessions Director

                                         a.     The Concession Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s concession program.

                                         b.     The Concession Director shall solicit support and create teams as appropriate to successfully execute the association concession program.

                                         c.     The Concession Director shall support the association budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Concession Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

11.  Equipment Director

                                         a.     The Equipment Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association equipment program.

                                         b.     The Equipment Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s Equipment program.

                                         c.     The Equipment Director shall support the association budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Equipment Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

                                         e.     The Equipment Director along with two (2) members of the board inspect all equipment for safety and serviceability prior to the league season and report findings to the Executive Committee.

                                          f.     The Equipment Director shall coordinate the reconditioning of helmets as needed.

                                         g.     The Equipment Director shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for new equipment purchases for the coming season.

                                         h.     The Equipment Director shall inventory all league equipment before and after the season and give report to the Board of Trustees.

                                          i.     The Equipment Director shall issue and recover from all Head Coaches all league equipment.

12.  Football Coordinator

                                         a.     The Football Coordinator shall monitor all practices in all divisions and provides assistance when requested or needed.

                                         b.     The Football Coordinator shall be a liaison between the Lenape High School football coaches and MLYFA, Inc.  including organizing and scheduling the Chain Crews for the Indians home games.

                                         c.     The Football Coordinator shall hold regular coaches’ meetings with each team’s head coach, offensive coordinator, and defensive coordinator to keep the coaches abreast of any rule changes and football concerns.

                                         d.     The Football Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches; all coaching staff is following the Coach’s Code of Conduct, and adherence to all safety regulations.

                                         e.     The Football Coordinator shall assist the Executive Committee in the selection of head coaches along with the input of the Commissioner.

                                          f.     The Football Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Football coaching staff.

                                         g.     The Football Coordinator shall coordinate cheer uniform budgeting, purchases and storage with the Equipment Director and support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the football program.

                                         h.     Make final decisions regarding the number and size of football teams.

                                          i.     Make final decisions regarding the placement of players on teams.

13.  Fundraising Director

                                         a.     The Fundraising Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association fundraising programs.

                                         b.     B. The Fundraising Director shall solicit support, create committees and teams as appropriate to successfully execute the fundraising mission.

                                         c.     The Fundraising Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Fundraising Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

14.  Government and Legal Affairs Director

                                         a.     The Government and Legal Affairs Director shall provide legal counsel, where necessary, to facilitate the objectives of MLYFA, Inc.

                                         b.     The Government and Legal Affairs Director shall interact with applicable government entities on behalf of MLYFA, Inc.

15.  Merchandise Director

                                         a.     The Merchandise Director shall be responsible for designing, ordering and maintaining inventory for MLYFA, Inc. merchandise.

                                         b.     The Merchandise Director is responsible for keeping a running inventory list of all merchandise in stock. 

                                         c.     The Merchandise Director should submit a cost VS pricing list of all merchandise to the Executive Board for pre-approval. 

                                         d.     The Merchandise Director should set up a SALE TABLE at all registrations offering all merchandise from the previous year at a discounted price in order to clear inventory for the new seasons merchandise.

16.  Recruiting Director

17.  Safety Director

                                         a.     The Safety Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s safety program.

                                         b.     The Safety Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s safety program.

                                         c.     The Safety Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Safety Director shall provide regular status reports to the

                                         e.     Board of Trustees.

18.  Scholastic Director

                                         a.     The Scholastics Director shall insure that each participant is academically eligible to participate by reviewing every participant’s report card.

                                         b.     The Scholastics Director should immediately submit the information on any player who does not meet scholastic requirements to the Executive Board, at which time the Executive Board will discuss any possible steps that must be taken to help the player in achieving the scholastic goals.

                                         c.     The Scholastics Director shall work with the board on securing

                                         d.     academic assistance for any player who does not meet scholastic

                                         e.     requirements.

                                          f.     The Scholastic Director will distribute applications to the participants who qualify for D2 and then will collect completed applications to forward on to D2.

19.  Volunteer Coordinator

                                         a.     The Volunteer Coordinator shall be primarily responsible for gaining volunteers to operate the concession stand, operate the field chains, and any other duties that require volunteer participation.


  III.        Qualifications and Terms of Board Positions

1.     To be eligible to run for any Executive Committee position, the member must have served a minimum of one (1) year on the Board of Trustees.

2.     There is no limitation on eligibility for non-Executive Committee positions.

3.     Any unexpired Board position term shall be filled by nomination and vote of the Executive Committee. 

  IV.        Board of Trustees

1.     General Provisions and Eligibility

                                         a.     The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least seven (7) but not more than twenty-one (21) members. 

                                         b.     Board members shall serve on committees as appointed by the Chair.

                                         c.     All Board members shall serve as volunteers, and without compensation.

2.     Terms

                                         a.     Board members shall serve for a three (2) year term, each term to commence March 1. 

3.     Vacancies

                                         a.     Expired Terms

1.     Announcements for new terms for the Board shall be announced prior to the annual banquet.

2.     Elections shall take place after the banquet, but prior to March 1, when the new terms begin.

3.      A simple majority vote required for election to the Board.

4.     All seated board members may vote for vacancies resulting from an expired term.

                                         b.     Unexpired Terms

1.     The Executive Committee shall appoint and vote upon unexpired term vacancies.

    V.        Voting

1.     All members of the Board of Trustees shall have one (1) equal vote, unless otherwise specified.

2.     A Quorum shall be required for all substantive votes unless an applicable exception applies.  Procedural motions do not require a Quorum.

                                         a.     A quorum for any meeting of the Board shall consist of a simple majority of the members filled Board seats. 


  VI.        Discipline of Members

1.     Classes of Discipline

                                         a.     Censure

1.     Where a MLYFA, Inc. trustee is responsible for violations of the law of the United States of America, the State of New Jersey, or any other behavior deemed to be violative of the MLYFA, INC. mission can be addressed by a formal written reprimand upon the approval of a simple majority of board members.

                                         b.     Removal from MLYFA, INC.

1.     Where individual conduct is deemed to be so egregious that the broader membership and organization may suffer as a result, said member may be expelled from the organization by a three-quarters (3/4) vote of board members. 

2.     An individual convicted of an indictable offense will automatically be removed from the Board. 

2.     Impeachment

                                         a.     Any officer may be impeached according to the following procedure:

1.     Petition Executive Committee with signatures of 1/3 of board members petition should state reason for removal.

2.     Executive Committee shall then notify officers and call for removal vote within fourteen days of the filing of the petition.

3.     Memberships shall be notified at least one week prior to removal vote meeting.

4.     At the meeting for removal, the petition's stated grievances shall be made public and the officer charged shall be allowed to respond to the charges of the petition.

5.     Removal from office shall require a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all voting members.


VII.        Rules of Order

1.     The Board adopts Robert’s Rules of Order for formal proceedings, except as amended herein.


VIII.        Amendments

1.     Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented to the board, in writing in advance of any vote.

2.     Bylaws amendments require approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting Trustees present at a regular meeting. The amendment shall be effective immediately unless otherwise stipulated in the amendment.

 IX.        Dissolution

1.     The MLYFA, Inc. may be dissolved by a unanimous vote of all seated Board Members.

These Bylaws were adopted on February 17, 2019.


Statement of Purpose: To operate non-profit youth football and cheerleading teams for participation in youth league in Mount Laurel, New Jersey.

      I.        Board of Trustees for the Mount Laurel Youth Football Association, Inc. (hereinafter MLYFA) shall be composed of an Executive Committee, Board Officers, and At-Large Board Members.  


1.     The Executive Committee Shall Consist of:

                                         a.     Board President

                                         b.     Board Vice-President

                                         c.     Board Treasurer

                                         d.     Organizational Commissioner

                                         e.     Sergeant-At-Arms

                                          f.     Social Director

                                         g.     Sponsorship Director


2.     Board Officers Shall Include:

                                         a.     Board Secretary

                                         b.     Cheer Coordinator

                                         c.     Concessions Director

                                         d.     Equipment Director

                                         e.     Football Coordinator

                                          f.     Fundraising Director

                                         g.     Government and Legal Affairs Director

                                         h.     Merchandise Director

                                          i.     Recruiting Director

                                          j.     Safety Director

                                         k.     Scholastic Director

                                          l.     Volunteer Coordinator


3.     At-Large Board Members

                                         a.     The Board may add At-Large Board positions on an as-needed basis.


    II.        Powers and Responsibilities of Board Members:

1.      Board President

                                         a.     The President shall be Chief Executive Officer of MLYFA, Inc. and shall manage all association business and implement policies established by the Executive Council.

                                         b.     The President shall preside at all meetings of the association, call special meetings as needed, and appoint all committees with a 2/3 vote by the Executive Council.

                                         c.     The President shall delegate responsibilities of the Executive Committee and shall perform the duties usually required of a presiding member.

                                         d.     The President shall be authorized to approve MLYFA, Inc. checks for disbursements and shall approve checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check request and on the check prior to approving.

                                         e.     The President shall perform such duties ordinarily incumbent upon Presidents and such other duties as assigned by MLYFA, Inc.

                                          f.     The President shall perform all required functions in the absence of the Commissioner.

                                         g.     The President shall assist the Commissioner in any matter concerning the town of Mount Laurel, Burlington County and Lenape High School.

                                         h.     The President shall assist the Commissioner in acquiring practice and game fields.

2.     Board Vice-President

                                         a.     The Vice-President shall assist the president with any organizational activities as assigned by the president.

                                         b.     The Vice-President shall preside over any organizational activities in the absence of the president.

3.     Board Treasurer

                                         a.     The Treasurer be responsible for all bookkeeping and financial management for MLYFA, Inc.

                                         b.     The Treasurer (or designee) is required to be at all functions that require receipt of funds, including but not limited to registrations.

                                         c.     The Treasurer shall make all disbursements by check at regular monthly meetings and give an accounting of funds in the form of a balance sheet monthly.

                                         d.     The treasurer shall maintain a petty cash fund in the amount of $200.00 for incidental expenditures.

                                         e.     The Treasurer shall be authorized to be a co-signer of MLYFA, Inc. checks for disbursement and shall co-sign checks only with the amount, payee, and reason for disbursement being complete on the check prior to endorsing.

                                          f.     The Treasurer shall present a final written financial report to include a balance sheet by December 31st of the current year.

                                         g.     The Treasurer along with the President will make all reports to the accounting firm and/or IRS and the State of New Jersey within the deadlines required by these agencies.

                                         h.     Treasurer shall provide the Concession Director a cash deposit sufficient to provide change prior to the game and will give a written receipt to the concession Director signed by both. The Concession Director will return the original cash deposit back to the Treasurer at the close of the concession stand and the Treasurer will provide a receipt to the Concession Director that is signed by both.

                                          i.     All checks and withdrawal slips must be signed/approved by two (2) of the three (3) following officers:  Commissioner, President, and Treasurer.

                                          j.     The Treasurer will provide a financial report at each Board meeting to include the monthly bank reconciliation.

4.     Organizational Commissioner

                                         a.     The Commissioner shall represent MLYFA, Inc on all relations with South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association.  The Commissioner shall perform a like function in relation to MLYFA, Inc

                                         b.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes in writing to the Board, as necessary.

                                         c.     The Commissioner or his/her designee shall be available during all scheduled association play, or on field disputes, the Commissioner’s decision on the field will be final.

                                         d.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for all participant rosters, physical forms, books, and waivers required by MLYFA, Inc

                                         e.     The Commissioner may appoint, with a 2/3 vote from the Executive Committee such special committees as may be necessary to assist in the administration of the affairs of the MLYFA, Inc.

                                          f.     The Commissioner shall be responsible to make sure that all Cheer Coaches and all Football Coaches and volunteers of the association who comes into direct interaction with any of the participants have the necessary South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association certifications.

                                         g.     The Commissioner shall make sure that all association volunteers wear their badges clearly visible at any and all South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association functions up to and including practices, physicals, games, etc.

                                         h.     The Commissioner shall be responsible for acquiring practice and game fields.

5.     Sergeant-At-Arms

                                         a.     The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be responsible for setting up facilities for Board Meetings, and shall maintain order during all Board Meetings.

6.     Social Director

                                         a.     Coordinate community outreach events to build community support for our football and cheer programs.

                                         b.     Be a liaison to the majority of the community and represent MLYFA, Inc. interests and vision.

                                         c.     Be present at the majority of home games to network with guests and build a positive community support.

7.     Sponsorship Director

                                         a.     The Sponsorship Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association sponsorship programs.

                                         b.     The Sponsorship Director shall solicit support, create committees and teams as appropriate to successfully execute sponsorship mission.

                                         c.     The Sponsorship Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Sponsorship Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

8.     Board Secretary

                                         a.     The duties of the Secretary shall be to take minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Council, and to enter such minutes in proper books and upload to website.

                                         b.     Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association, read the minutes and notices of all meetings, and papers and communications.

                                         c.     Mail and/or call all notices of the meetings to the Offices and Executive Committee.

                                         d.     The Secretary shall maintain a file of the reports of all committees.

                                         e.     The Secretary shall keep in his/her possession the registration of all active members and verify if needed, the eligibility of any active Mount Laurel Football Board Members.

                                          f.     The Secretary shall provide a written agenda to all Board of Directors members prior to the Executive Board meeting to include a time limit per topic.

                                         g.     Secretary shall mediate the meeting to include enforcement of the time limit of discussion per topic.

9.     Cheer Coordinator

                                         a.     The Cheer Coordinator shall have a minimum of two years coaching experience and have a full understanding and knowledge of South Jersey Independent Youth Football Association Cheer procedures and rules.

                                         b.     The Cheer Coordinator shall recruit qualified cheer coaches and insure that all appropriate training is attended and coaches hold appropriate badges.

                                         c.     The duties of the Cheer Coordinator shall be to maintain a line of communication between the Executive Council and all of the Association Head Cheerleading Coaches.

                                         d.     The Cheer Coordinator will be responsible for providing all association updates and rule changes to the Executive Council, as necessary.

                                         e.     The Cheer Coordinator shall coordinate cheer uniform budgeting, purchases and storage with the Equipment Director.

                                          f.     The Cheer Coordinator shall support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the cheer program.

                                         g.     The Cheer Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches and adherence to all safety regulations.

                                         h.     The Cheer Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Cheerleading coaching staff.  

                                          i.     The Cheer Coordinator shall be responsible for all cheer coaches, assistant coaches, student demonstrators/Jr. coaches, cheerleaders.

                                          j.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the number and size of cheerleading teams.

                                         k.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding the placement of cheerleaders on teams.

                                          l.     The Cheer Coordinator shall make final decisions regarding level of competition declaration for all teams.

10.  Concessions Director

                                         a.     The Concession Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s concession program.

                                         b.     The Concession Director shall solicit support and create teams as appropriate to successfully execute the association concession program.

                                         c.     The Concession Director shall support the association budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Concession Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

11.  Equipment Director

                                         a.     The Equipment Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association equipment program.

                                         b.     The Equipment Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s Equipment program.

                                         c.     The Equipment Director shall support the association budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Equipment Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

                                         e.     The Equipment Director along with two (2) members of the board inspect all equipment for safety and serviceability prior to the league season and report findings to the Executive Committee.

                                          f.     The Equipment Director shall coordinate the reconditioning of helmets as needed.

                                         g.     The Equipment Director shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for new equipment purchases for the coming season.

                                         h.     The Equipment Director shall inventory all league equipment before and after the season and give report to the Board of Trustees.

                                          i.     The Equipment Director shall issue and recover from all Head Coaches all league equipment.

12.  Football Coordinator

                                         a.     The Football Coordinator shall monitor all practices in all divisions and provides assistance when requested or needed.

                                         b.     The Football Coordinator shall be a liaison between the Lenape High School football coaches and MLYFA, Inc.  including organizing and scheduling the Chain Crews for the Indians home games.

                                         c.     The Football Coordinator shall hold regular coaches’ meetings with each team’s head coach, offensive coordinator, and defensive coordinator to keep the coaches abreast of any rule changes and football concerns.

                                         d.     The Football Coordinator shall oversee all aspects of practice including the performance of the coaches; all coaching staff is following the Coach’s Code of Conduct, and adherence to all safety regulations.

                                         e.     The Football Coordinator shall assist the Executive Committee in the selection of head coaches along with the input of the Commissioner.

                                          f.     The Football Coordinator’s input and voting should reflect the majority wishes of the Football coaching staff.

                                         g.     The Football Coordinator shall coordinate cheer uniform budgeting, purchases and storage with the Equipment Director and support the association’s budgeting process for any additional budget related to the football program.

                                         h.     Make final decisions regarding the number and size of football teams.

                                          i.     Make final decisions regarding the placement of players on teams.

13.  Fundraising Director

                                         a.     The Fundraising Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association fundraising programs.

                                         b.     B. The Fundraising Director shall solicit support, create committees and teams as appropriate to successfully execute the fundraising mission.

                                         c.     The Fundraising Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Fundraising Director shall provide regular status reports to the Board of Trustees.

14.  Government and Legal Affairs Director

                                         a.     The Government and Legal Affairs Director shall provide legal counsel, where necessary, to facilitate the objectives of MLYFA, Inc.

                                         b.     The Government and Legal Affairs Director shall interact with applicable government entities on behalf of MLYFA, Inc.

15.  Merchandise Director

                                         a.     The Merchandise Director shall be responsible for designing, ordering and maintaining inventory for MLYFA, Inc. merchandise.

                                         b.     The Merchandise Director is responsible for keeping a running inventory list of all merchandise in stock. 

                                         c.     The Merchandise Director should submit a cost VS pricing list of all merchandise to the Executive Board for pre-approval. 

                                         d.     The Merchandise Director should set up a SALE TABLE at all registrations offering all merchandise from the previous year at a discounted price in order to clear inventory for the new seasons merchandise.

16.  Recruiting Director

17.  Safety Director

                                         a.     The Safety Director shall be responsible for direction and maintenance of the association’s safety program.

                                         b.     The Safety Director shall solicit support as needed to successfully execute the association’s safety program.

                                         c.     The Safety Director shall support the association’s budgeting process.

                                         d.     The Safety Director shall provide regular status reports to the

                                         e.     Board of Trustees.

18.  Scholastic Director

                                         a.     The Scholastics Director shall insure that each participant is academically eligible to participate by reviewing every participant’s report card.

                                         b.     The Scholastics Director should immediately submit the information on any player who does not meet scholastic requirements to the Executive Board, at which time the Executive Board will discuss any possible steps that must be taken to help the player in achieving the scholastic goals.

                                         c.     The Scholastics Director shall work with the board on securing

                                         d.     academic assistance for any player who does not meet scholastic

                                         e.     requirements.

                                          f.     The Scholastic Director will distribute applications to the participants who qualify for D2 and then will collect completed applications to forward on to D2.

19.  Volunteer Coordinator

                                         a.     The Volunteer Coordinator shall be primarily responsible for gaining volunteers to operate the concession stand, operate the field chains, and any other duties that require volunteer participation.


  III.        Qualifications and Terms of Board Positions

1.     To be eligible to run for any Executive Committee position, the member must have served a minimum of one (1) year on the Board of Trustees.

2.     There is no limitation on eligibility for non-Executive Committee positions.

3.     Any unexpired Board position term shall be filled by nomination and vote of the Executive Committee. 

  IV.        Board of Trustees

1.     General Provisions and Eligibility

                                         a.     The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least seven (7) but not more than twenty-one (21) members. 

                                         b.     Board members shall serve on committees as appointed by the Chair.

                                         c.     All Board members shall serve as volunteers, and without compensation.

2.     Terms

                                         a.     Board members shall serve for a three (2) year term, each term to commence March 1. 

3.     Vacancies

                                         a.     Expired Terms

1.     Announcements for new terms for the Board shall be announced prior to the annual banquet.

2.     Elections shall take place after the banquet, but prior to March 1, when the new terms begin.

3.      A simple majority vote required for election to the Board.

4.     All seated board members may vote for vacancies resulting from an expired term.

                                         b.     Unexpired Terms

1.     The Executive Committee shall appoint and vote upon unexpired term vacancies.

    V.        Voting

1.     All members of the Board of Trustees shall have one (1) equal vote, unless otherwise specified.

2.     A Quorum shall be required for all substantive votes unless an applicable exception applies.  Procedural motions do not require a Quorum.

                                         a.     A quorum for any meeting of the Board shall consist of a simple majority of the members filled Board seats. 


  VI.        Discipline of Members

1.     Classes of Discipline

                                         a.     Censure

1.     Where a MLYFA, Inc. trustee is responsible for violations of the law of the United States of America, the State of New Jersey, or any other behavior deemed to be violative of the MLYFA, INC. mission can be addressed by a formal written reprimand upon the approval of a simple majority of board members.

                                         b.     Removal from MLYFA, INC.

1.     Where individual conduct is deemed to be so egregious that the broader membership and organization may suffer as a result, said member may be expelled from the organization by a three-quarters (3/4) vote of board members. 

2.     An individual convicted of an indictable offense will automatically be removed from the Board. 

2.     Impeachment

                                         a.     Any officer may be impeached according to the following procedure:

1.     Petition Executive Committee with signatures of 1/3 of board members petition should state reason for removal.

2.     Executive Committee shall then notify officers and call for removal vote within fourteen days of the filing of the petition.

3.     Memberships shall be notified at least one week prior to removal vote meeting.

4.     At the meeting for removal, the petition's stated grievances shall be made public and the officer charged shall be allowed to respond to the charges of the petition.

5.     Removal from office shall require a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all voting members.


VII.        Rules of Order

1.     The Board adopts Robert’s Rules of Order for formal proceedings, except as amended herein.


VIII.        Amendments

1.     Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented to the board, in writing in advance of any vote.

2.     Bylaws amendments require approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting Trustees present at a regular meeting. The amendment shall be effective immediately unless otherwise stipulated in the amendment.

 IX.        Dissolution

1.     The MLYFA, Inc. may be dissolved by a unanimous vote of all seated Board Members.

These Bylaws were adopted on February 17, 2019.IX.        Dissolution

1.     The MLYFA, Inc. may be dissolved by a unanimous vote of all seated Board Members.

These Bylaws were adopted on February 17, 2019.


Mt Laurel Youth Football Association Inc.
235 Mount Laurel Road 
Mount Laurel, New Jersey 08054

Phone: 609-670-3566
Email: [email protected]

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